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God of War

Santa Monica Studio 2018

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Currently showing the best reviews for God of War Trier les avis par:

A true classic

If you have a PS4, you owe yourself to play this. Even if you weren't a fan of the brutal slash 'n smash gameplay of the older God of War titles, this is worth a visit, with a completely different way of playing that plays more like modern open world adventures like Horizon: Zero Dawn or Tomb Raider. An absolute must-play.

4 years ago 2 LIKES

My review


4 years ago 1 LIKE

kinda good but overrated

didnt like it

5 years ago

Summing this up

Aenean viverra, est at iaculis viverra, orci felis mollis sapien, quis sollicitudin libero felis sed nunc.
Morbi vestibulum mauris dui, ut vehicula neque dignissim vitae. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec ante ipsum, iaculis vitae ipsum et, ornare ultricies arcu.
Proin in condimentum tellus. Fusce metus.

4 years ago



7 years ago

A few thoughts...

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Vivamus quis posuere diam, a mattis leo. Suspendisse suscipit et dui sed congue. Nullam iaculis magna in fringilla posuere. Nam facilisis semper vehicula.

Phasellus at risus neque. Donec dapibus, turpis at accumsan dapibus, est metus ullamcorper nisi, eget porta enim dui eget tortor. Integer mi lacus, placerat aliquam congue eget, rutrum ac justo.

5 years ago

God of War is a new action, aventure, monde ouvert, exclusivité playstation game available on PlayStation 4, developed by Santa Monica Studio and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. God of War released in North America April 20, 2018, with other territories having the same or similar release dates. God of War currently has 8 reviews on SnipCritic with a current review score of 91. God of War copyright © Sony Interactive Entertainment. SnipCritic has made a concerted effort in asserting the validity of information herein, but this information may have changed between the time this statement was created and the current date; SnipCritic cannot be held responsible for incorrect or invalid data. To modify or correct these details, please log in with a publisher account and submit the necessary changes.

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